Jesus invites us to come as we are! That's exactly what I did on my first 90 Day Challenge. I came broken-hearted, exhausted and humbled; thinking I had to do something or stop doing something to deserve a personal relationship with our Lord. I was so wrong. All I had to do was show up and get to know Jesus through His Word. What a sense of relief and newfound freedom!

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Make a decision to read your scheduled chapters at the same time every day and just do it!

Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong! Remember, this is a challenge. Collins dictionary describes challenge as:

A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.

Think about it. We are starting a new activity that was previously occupied with other things. There will be distractions, interruptions, unexpected events, excuses and maybe even some real emergencies. However, with some simple groundwork, we can prepare and overcome most all disruptions.

To that end, we have developed a step-by-step action plan to ensure you are fully prepared to complete the challenge and experience for yourself the life changing blessings and benefits that God has promised!  To learn more about this preparedness kit, click here.

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Keep a Journal

When I write things down, I remember them better and think about them more often. It reinforces my study and isn't that the purpose? It really helps to identify and eliminate the useless clutter going on in my mind.

Here's a simple way to start. Before you read, write something like this: Dear Lord, what would You like me to get from Your Word today?” After reading, just write the first thing that comes to mind. Remember you’re writing to our loving Father who considers us as His most precious treasure!

Later, go back and read what you wrote. It's amazing to see evidence of His response to your asking show up in magical ways!

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Write out one verse or line that really speaks to you and keep it with you or somewhere you can see it. I guarantee, you'll find one that is totally relevant and fitting, each and every day.

I used this verse when the corona visus was deemed a global pandemic. At the time, I worked in a grocery store and was considered an essential worker. Everyday, I was around fearful people, teammates and customers alike.

But that wasn’t me. This verse gave me the confidence to bring light into the darkness and it worked! It wasn’t too many days later, I had it memorized and sharing it with people. I remember saying to teammates and customers I was in the habit of hugging pre-covid, “Hey, if Jesus hugged the lepers, I can surely hug you!”


Share your experience and get support from fellow participants. We will use our blog page to interact with each other. Come join us!